Saturday, October 10, 2015

16 miles!

Right now, things are quiet on the bike trip front, and honestly that's no surprise. Because it is so far away. But things still progress.

The kid did a 16 mile trip while out camping with Scouts. I was thrilled! I didn't attend the camp out like I normally do because it was my birthday and I wanted to have a weekend alone with the husband. So the meeting following camping, I approached the leader that I know keeps an eye on the kid because she's the one who best handles the kids with issues. 

He rocked it, she said. He rocked the 16 miles, he was with the back four kids, but he handled gear shifting, brakes, he complained a bit. But he still kept biking while he complained and then eventually stopped. 

So I'm even more convinced, that we can do this. If he could pull off 15 miles with the group, he can pull 25-40 miles, and with his stuff on his bike.

On another front, we plan to camp and couchsurf along the way and I had published an itinerary to see if we could get any bites and we got one! So we'll be going north, instead of straight east, since we had someone offer to host us and show us Green Lake. So now the choice becomes... so we keep heading north east for Green Bay? or carry on east then dip south once we hit the great lakes? 

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